Wedding Videography packages

Wedding videography packages

All packages include aerial drone footage, a private video gallery and a pre-wedding planning meeting. All films are delivered in pristine 4K resolution.


The complete

A 12 hour coverage
Filmed by 2 videographers

Teaser or Instagram reel video

15 minute artistic film

documentary film (90-120min)



The classic

A 8 hour coverage
Filmed by 2 videographers

Teaser or Instagram reel video

10 minute artistic film

Full-length video of your
vows, speeches & 1st dance



The essential

A 6 hour coverage
Filmed by 1 videographer

Teaser or Instagram reel video

5 minute artistic film

Full-length video of your vows


Options :
Additional hour: $300/hr.
Extended artistic film (+ 5 min) : $595.
Long-form documentary film (90-120min) : $595.
Extra videographer : $595
Contact me for a personalized quote for your wedding.
taxes not included in price.